Discover The Perfect RV Of Your Dreams

RV's are not only plentiful but also come in all sorts of shapes and sizes! For someone who's had little to practically no exposure to them over the years, just knowing where to start can be a pain! Not to worry—a little research will go a long way. To get you started into the wonderful world of recreational vehicles, here's a run-down of all the most common types of RV for sale at all RV dealers in the United States (such as Orangewood RV Center).

Class A

These are easily the largest and most quintessential of all RVs. Some consider them a yacht on wheels--and for good reason!  Class-A motorhomes often have essentially every amenity you can think of on hand. This makes them popular for permanent residents as well as travelers. The only downsides of note would be both their larger-than-life price as well as their larger-than-life size. Packing all of your creature comforts into something roadworthy results in one massive vehicle. While most drivers may be able to handle one with little difficulty, their added size and length means that certain roads and bridges will give you trouble if you aren't careful. They're also known for being too impractical to use for transportation once you've finished setting everything up. Fortunately, most are capable of towing a smaller vehicle behind the RV to serve as your transportation once you arrive.

Class B

Some know this as the "Van Camper", and they are less common than most other forms of motorhomes. They are essentially a modified van with a raised roof, and all basic amenities on-hand—some Van Campers even have built-in tanks for your gray and black waste! Their versatility and manageable size are their primary advantages. Some people may live in these for long periods of time, however, it can be rather crowded. At most, they're usually only good for 1 or 2 people.

Class C

These are basically a Class A, but smaller. They are typically mounted onto a truck chassis, have a truck-like driving cabin, and most often feature expandable slide-outs for more usable space. Tons of sleeping spaces scattered throughout are the norm, so entire families will have plenty of beds. They are fairly iconic for an additional portion of the trailer wrapping over the top of the driving cabin. They are great for those who want the benefits of Class A in a smaller or more economical package.


These are the most successful type of recreational vehicle in the industry. Trailers provide the most living space for the amount of space they occupy. Since trailers are designed to be towed by a separate vehicle, they have no need for a driving cabin, dedicate every square foot to living needs. This is the biggest difference from their self-propelled variants. Aside from that, they are just as capable and have all the same options and amenities. Unfortunately, the only problem is that the trailer cannot be occupied while it is in motion. This means that you cannot enjoy your trailer or the extra room it provides over a truck or SUV until you arrive. Fortunately, their overwhelming success indicates that this doesn't bother many people.
