Quick Fixes To Common Brake Pedal Problems

Driving with problematic brakes not only puts your life in danger, but also the risks the safety of other drivers. This is so mainly because when brakes are acting up, they may reduce your vehicle's reaction time in emergency situations, something that then increases the chances of having an accident. It is for this reason that it is usually advisable that you have your vehicle checked the moment you notice common brake pedal problems such as a spongy brake pedal and a low brake pedal.

Low brake pedal

When you step on your brakes, the resulting pressure is usually transmitted by the brake fluid to the wheel area where it causes the linings to press against the drum. The friction between the linings and the drum is what usually causes the wheel to either slow down or stop.

The friction that results when the linings press against the drum usually wears them out. And the more they wear out, the longer the distance they have to travel before they can make contact with the drum. To avoid braking problems that result from this, manufacturers usually fit braking systems with shoe adjusters whose work is to make adjustments that compensate from the resulting wear.

However, if the shoe adjusters get stuck or rust, they will fail to make the necessary adjustments. This will then cause your vehicle to have the low brake pedal problem.

Fixing this problem requires you to first clean the adjusters. If they are rusted to a point where they cannot function effectively, then replacing them is a must. Adjusting the drum brakes thereafter will be enough to give you a full pedal.

Spongy brake pedal

Most brake systems use liquids because they cannot be compressed. This usually ensures that there is an efficient transfer of pressure through the brake linings to the wheels.

Problems usually arise when air finds its way into the braking system. This is so mainly because air can be compressed. As a result, when pressure is applied to the system, the air simply contracts and when the pressure drops, the air expands. This usually results in an inefficient and unequal transmission of pressure within the system that usually results in a soft or spongy brake pedal.

This is a problem that is solved by getting rid of any traces of air in the system. To do so, you will have to use bleeder screws that can be found in the wheel cylinders or on the braking system's callipers. Bleeding the brake lines will be enough to restore your system.

For more information, contact professionals like Care Muffler & Brake Shop.
